JSR 318 (EJB 3.1) Early Draft Review

2/29に、JSR 318 (EJB 3.1) のEarly Draft Reviewが出ています。まずは、1.2節の新機能をチェックして、関連箇所を流し読み、くらいでいいかな。

1.2 What is New in EJB 3.1

The Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 architecture extends Enterprise JavaBeans to include the following new functionality and simplifications to the earlier EJB APIs:

  • A simplified Local view that provides Session Bean access without a separate Local Business interface.
  • Packaging and deployment of EJB components directly in a .war without an ejb-jar.
  • A Singleton session bean component that provides easy access to shared state, as well as application startup/shutdown callbacks.
  • Automatically created EJB Timers.
  • Calendar based EJB Timer expressions.
  • Asynchronous, reliable, session bean invocations.
  • The definition of a lightweight subset of Enterprise JavaBeans functionality that can be provided within Java EE Profiles such as the Java EE Web Profile.