JDO 2.0 Public Review Ballot

JCP Executive Committee for SE/EEによる、JDO 2.0 (JSR-243) Public Reviewの投票結果が公開されました。"No"が過半数を占めています。

JDO 2.0とEJB 3.0 (JSR-220) を統合するレターが出たものの、いまだJDO 2.0のEJB 3.0に対する関係や方向性が明確でないことが、投票結果に影響していますね。


On 2005-01-18 Oracle voted No with the following comment:
We are concerned that the JDO 2.0 draft produced by JSR 243 does not follow the stated direction that Sun indicated in its open letter of Sept 2004 that "the scope of JSR-243 will include maintenance to JDO 1.0.1 and enhancements to JDOQL". We feel that the duplication that JSR 243 continues to introduce creates confusion in the persistence community and is counter-productive to J2EE.